AFZAL GURU : A Victim of Indian State Conspiracy

Afzal Guru was a Kashmiri freedom-lovers from Indian occupied Jammu Kashmir. He was hanged by India on 9 February 2013 and buried inside Tihar jail for being allegedly involved in the conspiracy to attack indian Parliament on 13 December 2001. Pakistan was accused of behind the attack, but no evidence was produced.

However, Nandita Haksar , a human rights indian lawyer concludes in her book titled “Many Faces of Kashmiri Nationalism” that Afzal Guru was a victim of India’s state conspiracy and the renegades. The Indian occupied Jammu Kashmir police asked him to act as an informer and provide information on the activities of the militants. Afzal Guru who was the nephew of an assassinated cardiologist Dr. Ahad Guru, refused to act as an informer but a local man by the name of Arshad Malik collaborated with police against Guru.

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He was taken to the camp of Special Task Force, where DSP Vijay Kumar tortured him. Despite the fact that the Vijay Kumar got convinced of Afzal Guru’s innocence, Guru was transferred to another camp, where he was further tortured by another DSP by the name of Davinder Singh. A prisoner named Tariq advised him to plead guilty to avoid further torture. Afzal didn’t but gave in when the police arrested his younger brother to blackmail Guru. When in court, he wanted to explain the judge his side of the story but of no avail.

The so called Hurriyet Conference issued propaganda statements but didn’t even bother to hire a lawyer for him, just as they haven’t done for Yasin Malik, Shabir Shah and other political prisoners held by India. Afzal Guru’s vivacious young wife Tabbasum sold her jeweleries to save her husband but the indian state went ahead with its conspiracy to hang Afzal Guru and buried him beside Maqbool Butt, the Father of Independence Movement.