A Procession of Eid Milad-un-Nabi (SAW) Organized by Dawat-e-Islami

Austria: A procession was taken out to celebrate Eid Milad-un-Nabi (PBUH) Organized by Dawat-e-Islami Austria in which the scholars of Dawat-e-Islami from various European countries and from small and large cities of Austria and the elders, youth and children of the Pakistani community participated. 

The participants in the procession celebrated the birth day of their beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) with great enthusiasm and grandeur. Dawat-e-Islami saintly procession started from Faizan-e-Madina at 2.00 pm and after traveling about two kilometers through different highways of ten districts of Vienna in an hour, it ended back at Faizan-e-Madina.

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During the procession, the participants continued to raise the voices of praise and naat and the air continued to echo with the words of greetings and salutations. In the procession full of saints, the lovers of the Prophet (PBUH) carried green flags, small flags and banners in their hands.

The police took strict security measures for the security of the procession.

At the end of the procession, Maulana Ahmad Raza Attari, who came specially from Portugal, prayed for the Muslim Ummah, the security of Pakistan, the martyrs of Kashmir and Palestine and for the participants in the procession.