10 Essential Tips to Stay Healthy : Prachi Gupta

By : Prachi Gupta India 

Everyone wants to be healthy, but as soon as we cross the age of 40, many diseases start troubling us, then it seems that yesterday was fine. What happened today?

Nowadays, doctors have started conducting extravagant tests in order to fill their pockets, due to which both money and time are wasted. Not all doctors are same obviously and, the tests are costly too. A lot of mental problems are increasing too.

Healthy cells of the body and the internal organs work according to the body age. As the age increases, the ability of the body gets reduced, hormones start becoming less or some glands stop working due to which problems arise in the body.

Common problems like blood pressure and diabetes mostly start after 40 years. To keep yourself healthy follow the steps given below ;

10 Essential Tips to Stay Healthy : Prachi Gupta
Morning Walk

1. In the morning, when there is clean oxygen, trees release a lot of oxygen, then take a walk in the park or on the road itself for at least 45 to 50 minutes, this will strengthen the cells of the body and the internal organs will also flow hormones.

10 Essential Tips to Stay Healthy : Prachi Gupta

2. If possible, be conscious about your food, eat light food and increase the amount of fiber in the food at night, that is, use fibrous vegetables like gourd, pumpkin, tinda, parwal etc. These vegetables are light to eat. And are easily digested, even if you eat heavy food like fried etc. with them, these vegetables help in digesting them and keep the digestion process fine.

10 Essential Tips to Stay Healthy : Prachi Gupta

3. Use low-fat food and if you want to eat food, then eat it during the day, so that there is no complaint of gas and acidity.

10 Essential Tips to Stay Healthy : Prachi Gupta

4. Keep checking diabetes and blood pressure from time to time.

10 Essential Tips to Stay Healthy : Prachi Gupta

5. Reduce the amount of fat and white sugar in the food, if you want to eat sweet, then eat jaggery, it is natural and helps in digestion of food.

10 Essential Tips to Stay Healthy : Prachi Gupta

6. Do not work continuously, take some rest in between.

7. Do not drink too much cold water. Some people say that more and more water should be drunk, this is also not appropriate because by drinking more water, the water-soluble vitamins in the body come out through the urinary tract, in which you feel comfortable. Drink the same amount of water, but yes, keep in mind that the amount of water should not be too less.

8. Consider anger as your worst enemy, and put yourself beyond it.

9. If you have any hobby, such as singing, painting, playing, spending time with children, pet like dog, writing poems, story, then adopt it.

10. This last and most precious original mantra: Always be happy, live for yourself, because life is never found again.

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