Humble Leaders Are The Best Leaders : Prachi Gupta

Perhaps humility is not the first quality that comes to mind when we think of outstanding leaders. It’s possible that visionary, daring, or charismatic would be the first adjectives used to describe many larger-than-life bosses, such Steve Jobs or Bill Gates. But if we take a closer look, there are other leaders who are frequently referred to as modest and laid-back, like, say, Richard Branson. According to a survey, modest leaders inspire greater teamwork, are better listeners, and are more adaptable.

They Never Abuse or Misuse their Power;

We’ve all heard horror tales of egotistical, power-hungry executives that hurt their subordinates and eventually the business. Sincere leaders view themselves more as coaches and mentors, always seeking for ways to inspire people and bring out the best in them. Instead of retaining power and dominance, they seek for opportunities to delegate so that others may assume leadership roles and develop their leadership skills.

They Are Seeking to Develop Others;
Humble leaders are always searching for ways to improve and increase the leadership possibilities for individuals who work for them because they are aware of how important it is for others to succeed. They provide promotions based on aptitude, talent, diligence, and aptitude. They are unlikely to be impressed by people who seek advancement by ingratiating themselves with those in positions of authority, in contrast to self-serving leaders.
They are less likely to be duped by flattery and false attempts to win them over if they don’t have inflated egos that need to be massaged. Their humility enables them to see the larger picture and see how creating genuine, worthy leaders would increase the organization’s overall performance.

They Support Collaboration;
Increased rivalry among team members undermines trust since more time and effort is spent battling for positions than on the task at hand. Humble leaders promote and reward cooperation rather than letting individuals compete with one another. As a result, team members are more capable of working together and have greater trust in one another. Team members feel more at ease and are better able to contribute their full abilities and skills to the workplace when collaboration is the norm.

They Are Example of Integrity and Trust;
Humble leaders don’t make empty promises or attempt to enhance their reputations via pretentious displays of self-aggrandizement. With these, you get exactly what you see. Instead of using showy language and rhetoric, they back up their claims with deeds. They value working as a team and giving back to the community, and they don’t consider any job in their company to be beneath them. They might be observed stepping forward to assist in any circumstance that would call for rapid response to learn more about the organisation. They gain the respect and confidence of people who report to them thanks to this form of involvement.

They Support Their Staff;
Humble managers search for chances to compliment their team members when they accomplish something right. When anything goes wrong, they will own it and concentrate on finding a solution and creating a learning opportunity rather than assigning blame or menacing consequences.

They Acknowledge their shortcomings and Mistakes;
The most intelligent individual in the room need not feel superior to humble leaders. They are confident enough in themselves to not feel frightened by people who possess more knowledge than they do. Instead than trying to hide or cover up their errors, they freely confess them when they do. They don’t believe it is beneath them to accept a superior idea if someone suggests it. Instead of viewing vulnerability as a weakness, they see it as a chance to allow their reports to also be exposed. Everyone may be themselves and concentrate on their job in a less stressful, open, and emotionally healthy workplace as a result. “Admitting a mistake and then apologising shows a willingness to acknowledge a wrong immediately and accept responsibility for it.

They are Last to Accept Credit and First to Accept Responsibility;
Humble leaders show that they are responsible for their actions and accept accountability when anything goes wrong. On the other side, when things go well, they will kindly offer credit to others. They always search for methods to help and maximise the performance of their teams because they have a team-first mentality. Since they understand how crucial it is to provide credit to their teams when they succeed, they rarely do so since they know that doing so will demotivate their employees.