Faisal Butt Called on Sri Lankan High Comm'r to Express Condolences

Islamabad: Consul General of Liberland to Pakistan H.E Faisal Butt, Press Secretary of Liberland to Pakistan Ali Zohaib called on the High Commissioner of Sri Lanka to Pakistan H.E Mohan Wijewickrama to express his condolences on the killing of Sri Lankan citizen in Sialkot Pakistan.

Faisal Butt Called on Sri Lankan High Comm'r to Express Condolences
Consul General of Liberland to Pakistan H.E Faisal Butt, Press Secretary of Liberland to Pakistan Ali Zohaib Meeting with High Commissioner of Sri Lanka to Pakistan H.E Mohan Wijewickrama

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During the meeting, Faisal Butt Said, “I would like to convey my condolences on behalf of our President VIT JEDLICKA and the people of Liberland. We stand besides Sri Lanka in condemning this barbaric and inhumane act by the mob of Sialkot. We believe that Pakistan is a vibrant society and we should not judge the entire nation by one incident, we are with the family of Sri Lankan citizen”.

“We request Prime Minister Imran Khan to bring the culprits to justice and set an example for the future”. He added.