Kashmir: Head of Diplomatic Section, Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front Azad Kashmir Chapter Abdul Quayyum Raja Wrote a letter to the UNHCHR High commissioner Michelle Barchelet Jeria.
Michelle Barchelet Jeria
High Commissioner
Palais Wilson
52 Rue Des Paquis
CH-1201 Geneva
Dear Ms M. B Jeria,
We are thankful to you for raising UN concern on human rights abuses in the Indian occupied Jammu Kashmir.
We dismiss Indian government’s criticism on the statement of spokesman of UN Human Rights Agency, Mr. Collville, describing it as “baseless and unfounded.” Mr. Collville is absolutely right that the arrest of human rights activist Parvez Khurram is an attempt to suppress rights voices in Jammu Kashmir.
We also dismiss India’s allegation that it is a cross border terrorism. In fact, it is an indigenous movement of Jammu Kashmir, which India tries to turn it into a sectarian movement in order to justify the atrocious behavior of its security forces.
The people of Jammu Kashmir have been trying to reunite their homeland and therefore it would be unwise and inconcevable to damage their cause by causing a sectarian conflict. India’s allegations are unjustified and unsubstantiated. We had strongly condemned the recent killings of non Muslims in Jammu Kashmir. Everyone born in Jammu Kashmir is equally entitled to a part of ownership of the state, regardless of social, cultural and religious backgrounds. If India thinks it is the independence movement responsible for human rights abuses and not the Indian security forces and troops, she should allow the the independent inquiries by the UN Agency.
Finally, we are more than happy to cooperate with the UN or any independent agency for a qualitative research into the situation in Jammu Kashmir.
Yours sincerely,
Abdul Quayyum Raja
Head of Diplomatic Section
Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front
Azad Kashmir Chapter.
US Embassy Islamabad