Peshawar : Police in Peshawar have registered a case against the organizers of the women’s march.

The case was registered in Sharqi police station on court orders. According to the FIR, the case was registered under Sections C295 and A295 on the order of District and Sessions Judge Syed Shaukat Ali Shah.

Also read: Who are the women marchers, what is their agenda? Peshawar High Court
Abrabar Hussain Advocate had approached the Sessions Court against the women’s march and the organizers.

The plaintiff took the position that a women’s march was held in Islamabad on March 8 in which obscene words were uttered, obscenity under the auspices of the organizers, non-Islamic posters besides insulting the honor of Prophet Muhammad and Hazrat Ayesha and obscene words. Used which hurt the Muslims.

It should be noted that under Penal Code Article 295 (c) of the Constitution of Pakistan, serious insults are punishable by death and in 295A, the punishment for causing emotional pain to a person belonging to any religion is up to ten years.