Parental Money on Trees? Waste of Paper, HEC & Photocopies

Written By:  Shahzad Roshan Gilani

In private educational institutions, the student reads about six subjects in a semester, during which he often receives assignments which he also presents during the class. Also uploads and then students are asked to print and submit. Now in this situation the money of those parents is spent on the trees who also pay the money of LMS management in fees and then the parents have to bear the burden of thousands of expenses in printing of assignments in the back-breaking inflation. And if it’s all paperwork, even though it’s online, then why do I see ambiguity in this system online?

Let me give you another example: an assignment consisting of 40 slides would cost four hundred rupees if it went to forty pages. If there are two groups of members then splitting will cost two hundred and one and now if four slides come on one page they are still worth reading and checking then it will be printed on ten pages and it will cost. One hundred rupees and two divided by fifty rupees will cost even less in case of more group members respectively and if the teacher says that all group members should print separately and there is one slide on one page, what a waste of paper and money. Will be.

Please note that according to my poor intellect, I do not understand this useless expenditure. Now let’s move on to whether it is a matter of two or four hundred rupees which is a matter for a few students. ۔ According to a conservative estimate, there are approximately half a million students, so most of them are parents who have to keep in mind the time to pay the fees, and may withhold their wishes. In this case, I think parents should be relieved of this extra expense or similar expenses.

In our case, asking questions is a death knell and for a student it is more than death to fail in an educational institution for any reason, so it is the burden of parents without questioning this extra expense. Prefers to force increase. Now multiply that five lakh by one hundred rupees daily or at least two thousand rupees a month and you will know what is going on. Now that this has happened, of course the question is, what is the solution? The solution is that the Higher Education Commission should take notice of such and many other things but it will take notice only when you make a difference. Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like BT aint for me either. Spend that money on the education or support of a child in your circle of friends who is unable to do it yourself and parents, older brothers, sisters and heads of households are requested to be silent on the truth for fear of failing. Don’t get used to it because it will kill the conscience and it will never raise its voice against the truth.

During my university days, I would have raised my voice even if I had seen the number two water cafe, applied or the parking fee would have been increased. Many times these twenty rupees were brought back to ten rupees at my request and if this writing of mine reaches the esteemed teachers and decision makers of educational institutions, they join hands and request that students come to you to become Shaheen. Give them the right to ask questions and to ask for the wrong ones, because if you deprive them of this right, they will not be able to become proud citizens.

Now come to the students. Dear children, speak the truth. Reasonable words can be said even without extending the circle of distinction and respect. If you are reading my article, you should send e-mails to HEC to force it to legislate on such small issues and take it seriously. My e-mail is also present at the end of the article. Be sure to email me to let me know if I’m talking about the right point at the right time.

A document form request can be sent to HEC on your suggestion and at the end if any one is reading my writing from the esteemed Higher Education Commission then they will also be requested to consider the middle class of these small matters. And parents and children from the lower middle class have a close relationship, and as a legislature and decision-making body, the HEC can improve and control many issues.

Another important issue related to this is that paper is made from trees and then many trees are cut down. Legislation can minimize the use of unnecessary paper and in today’s age when technology is on the rise. I get the details on the bank transaction and many purchases on the message, so why the paper?