Islamabad (Shahid Kazmi – Ice melting? Are we witnessing a breakthrough in Pakistan and India bilateral ties? Pakistani decided to get 5 million tons of sugar from India. To purchase cotton from India is also in line. Earlier, newly appointed Finance Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Hammad Azhar announced this decision of ECC after its meeting on 31st of March, Wednesday.

After two years of ban Pakistan itself lifted this ban on trade with India without even any request of lifting this ban from India. Few days back, Indian Prime Minister Narenda Modi congradulated PM of Pakistan, Imran Khan on Pakistan Day, in a letter. Letter of Narenda Modi was in discussion while in response, PM Imran Khan also sent back a reply through letter to PM of India. This was a unique move by both Pakistani and Indian Premiers. No one was expecting this letter diplomacy neither from India nor from Pakistan. But it happened, and happened amazingly.

Latest move of Pakistan to purchase Sugar and Cotton from India is just after PM Imran Khan’s letter to Narendra Modi. Pakistan banned all kind of trade with India after suspension of Article 370 and 35-A of constitution of India, by Modi regime. Under umbrella of these articles, Occupied Jammu & Kashmir earned Special Status of conflict zone. But India suspended both the articles, and declared OJ&K, part of India. India’s move was also not welcomed by China over Laddakh Valley.
By lifting ban on trade with India is clearly indicating shift of Foreign Policy of Pakistan. It seems Pakistan is now settling with current situation of OJ&K. In developing scenario of South Asian Region, Saudi Arabia having strong ties with India and China is also not ignoring India regarding its future plan to rule economy of World. Further to this burning issue, China recently signed a 25 years deal with Iran and it’s an open secret now that Iran building strong trade ties with India also since last few years. In Afghanistan, India and Iran enjoying good trade and diplomatic relationship also.

Mix response of different sects of society is vocal. Some are counting this step as a good move but on the other hand many voices can be heard declaring this trade diplomacy as bargaining of Struggle of Kashmiri Peoples.