As usual, India is infuriated at China’s reference to Jammu Kashmir during Pakistan premier Shehbaz Sharif’s visit to Beijing. In Pak-China joint statement, China reiterated that solution to regional issues including Jammu Kashmir is essential to regional stability.

China added that the Kashmir issue should be resolved on the basis of the UN resolutions and “bilateral agreements.” India jumped as usual describing JK as its internal matter. India is free to repeat its claim on Jammu Kashmir, but the world doesn’t rely on India’s interpretation of the historical facts and events.

The people of Jammu Kashmir believe that Jammu Kashmir is not a bilateral but a quadrilateral issue. Jammu Kashmir as the affected party is the first party in the conflict. Therefore, it can’t be resolved through bilateral agreements made without the representation of Jammu Kadhmir as the primary party.

Since China also occupies a portion of the territory of Jammu Kashmir, China should be involved in any future negotiation rather than leaving the matter to the two nuclear neighbors who have never involved the affected party such as Jammu Kashmir.

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