VIENNA: A Conference on “Preventing Crime through Encouraging a Healthy and Sustainable Lifestyle for Young People” organized by the UNODC at United Nations Office . The Conference was held On 20th of October 2022, 9:00-9:45 M6, M-Building, VIC-Wagramer Strasse 5, 1220,UNO United Nations Vienna Austria.
The objective was to share information about the federation’s and international activities. Mrs. Lying In Van de Ven UPF-Netherlands, moderated the event. 11th Session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN convention against Transnational Organisers of that conference “Women’s Federation for World Peace Co-organiser: “International Association of Youth and Students for Peace Supporting organisations: Association of Austrian Women Farmers Association Green Care Austria Ik Bäuerinnen Österreich and Green care Women’s Federation for World Peace ,Austria-Österreichische Frauenföderation.
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Dr. Maria RIEHL, Director WFWP UN-Vienna-Office, Chair of NGO-Com, on Peace President of WFWP-Austria, 1992-2002, HE. Mr. Alejandro SOLANO ORTIZ, Ambassador of COSTA RICA to Austria and Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office in Vienna (UNOV),DI Michaela GLATZL, MA, Managing Director of the Association of Austrian Women, Kirsty RANCIER, youth focal point for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and Carolyn Handschin-Moser, the president of the NGO Committee on the Status of Women and the director of the WFWP-International Office for United Nations Relations.
Welcome in the conference Dr. Maria RIEHL, Director WFWP UN-Vienna-Office, Opening speech: HE. Mr. Alejandro SOLANO ORTIZ, Ambassador of COSTA RICA to Austria Project “Green Care – Where people flourish”, DI Michaela GLATZL, Austrian Chamber of Agriculture, Managing Director of the Association of Austrian Women Farmers, UNODC:
Kirsty RANCIER, youth focal point for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Youth Empowerment Accelerator (YEA!] Framework. LAYSP: Jeong Hye HASSINEN: Vice-President International Association for Youth and Students for Peace for Europe & Middle East. Closing remarks: Mrs. Carolyn Handschin-Moser, Chair of NGO-CSW Geneva, Director WFWP UN Geneva Office.
The speakers said in their speeches remarks, they present of the NGO Committee on the Status of Women. Explained the conference theme of intergenerational trust, understanding and cooperation based on shared concerns for peace. Speakers emphasized the importance of creating partnerships—such as the organizations holding this event—that can inherit from one another and join hands to build a future rooted in rights, dignity and responsibility. In the end of the event Mrs. Lying In Van de Ven UPF-Netherlands, moderateer the event spoke to conclude the conference, thanking the attendees and panelists for a highly productive program. She also thanked the organizers to organizing such a good conference.